Latest Research News

  • DHA Needed for Optimal Development

    A newly published literature review aptly showed that the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) rich human brain requires an ample and sustained source of dietary DHA to reach its full potential1. Brain and nervous tissue is rich in DHA and DHA is required for the brain to function correctly.

    DHA is scare in terrestrial plants, but in contrast is plentiful at the shoreline where it is made by single-celled algae and ends up in marine animals including fish.

    The human brain accumulates DHA up to age 18 with most being taken up half-way through gestation up to 2 years o........

Omega-3 Improves Symptoms of Depression

  • Omega 3 improves depression

    Omega-3 supplementation significantly improves depression in people with major depressive disorder (MDD) and those with depression symptoms alike according to a recent meta-analysis which combined results from many similar randomised, controlled clinical trials. It included 11 trials on patients with diagnosed MDD according to the DSM definition and 8 trials on people with depressive symptoms but no formal diagnosis of MDD that had been published up to August 2013.

    EPA appeared to be more effective for reducing depressive symptoms than DHA. In addition, omega-3’s seemed to be most valuable as treatments to be used along with conventional medication rather than by themselves. The measured effectiveness of the omega-3 treatments tested in all the studies were not influenced by the number of patients in the study, baseline depression severity, trial duration, age of the patients or study quality.

    1. Grosso G et al. Role of omega-3 fatty acids in the treatment of depressive disorders: a comprehensive meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. PLoS One 2014 May 7;9(5):e96905.