I am taking prescription medication, can I combine this with your products?

When you take medication it is best to consult your doctor or pharmacist to make sure they are compatible with the food supplements or herbal products you may be taking.

I have taken your product for a few weeks, is it safe to continue taking them on an ongoing basis?

The products manufactured by Wassen International have been formulated so that it is safe to take them on an ongoing basis without a break, provided the dosage instructions are followed.

Can I take your products if I am planning pregnancy, if I am pregnant or breast-feeding?

Whilst all ingredients found in the products manufactured by Wassen International are deemed safe for food supplements, which are classed as a food, we always recommend that those planning pregnancy, who are pregnant or breast-feeding consult their doctor prior to taking any food supplements. There are a number of multivitamin and mineral products on the market that have been designed specially for this time of life, however, we are not able to offer such a product at present. Folic acid is particularly important and a food supplement providing this vitamin should be taken some time prior to conception, to ensure the body stores are good. Research has shown that obtaining sufficient levels of this vitamin, one month prior to conception and the first 8-10 weeks into pregnancy may be important in the prevention of neural tube defects such as Spina bifida.

It has come to my attention that as the result of taking a combination of different products of yours I am exceeding the Recommended Daily Allowance 'RDA' for some vitamins and minerals, am I likely to overdose on any of them as a result?

It is important to note that the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for essential nutrients has been established by calculating the daily requirement of large population groups for a particular nutrient in order to avoid deficiency. The RDA represents the minimum intake required with a calculated safety margin. The 'maximum safety level' for certain vitamins and minerals is much higher in some instances. Certain oil soluble vitamins such as vitamin A and D can be stored by the liver and should not be taken in excessive quantities. Likewise the mineral zinc and iron should not be taken in very high doses, without professional supervision. In order to be absolutely sure you can e-mail your name and address details, with a request for a 'supplement safety leaflet'. We can then send you a leaflet, giving an overview of safe levels of vitamins and minerals for daily self-supplementation by healthy individuals.

How long will it take before I feel the benefit of taking vitamin and mineral supplements?

With food supplements it usually takes 4-8 weeks before a benefit is noted, as it can take some time for the nutrients to work into the system.

I am taking a number of your products, am I in danger of taking too much of any vitamin or mineral?

Provided the dosage instructions are followed a number of our products can safely be combined.